Tipos Latinos is an international typographic space integrated by 14 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; dedicated to celebrate and promote Latin American typography. In this edition three projects in which I have worked have been selected.
Tinkuy is a Quechua word that means a meeting of opposing forces that complement each other. A meeting of opposites and differences. A meeting point where different thoughts, interests, feelings and aspirations confront and converge, providing the resurgence of new ways of thinking and that are embodied in confrontational actions, in mobilizations that seek change.
In 2018 Christopher Carlson in his article Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns by Christopher Carlson wondered if the concept studied by Sébastien Truchet in 1704 would work at multiple scales, and what would happen if he replaced Cyril Stanley Smith's two arcs from his 1987 essay with four arcs connecting with sides at 1/3 and 2/3. It is from this article by Christopher Carlson that this whole typographic and modular experiment developed.