AQA. 000 - 005 
Typeface Family
At the heart of AQA lies the serpent, a revered symbol in countless pre-Columbian cultures of Latin America. 

The very name of the typeface family, AQA, evokes three emblematic serpent deities of the region: Amaru, Quetzalcoatl, and Anaconda. Each letter in this typeface collection pays homage to the majesty and symbolic significance of this enigmatic reptile, whose legacy extends from the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, through the Andes, to the deepest corners of the Amazon jungle. 

Cultural Inspiration as the Foundation of the Module System 

Built upon a precisely designed module system, each letter of AQA captures the essence of the serpent in its various cultural representations. From the sinuous curves of the Feathered Serpent to the imposing presence of the Anaconda, these Display fonts stand out for their intricate design and their ability to convey a sense of mystery and connection with nature. Every stroke and curve reflects the depth and symbolism associated with the serpent in different Latin American cultures. 

Versatility in Flexible Visual Identity Systems

AQA is primarily designed for use in flexible visual identities, branding projects, and as a skeleton in artificial intelligence to give them the desired visual aspect. Its unique character and ability to evoke an organic energy make it the perfect choice for brands looking to stand out and convey an authentic, memorable, and dynamic narrative. With a total of 36 styles, of which 6 are currently available (AQA000 - AQA005), AQA offers a wide range of options for experimentation, allowing designers to create striking visual identities that captivate their audience. 

AQA Font style:
000 - 005
Total glyph set per style: 128
52 Uppercase, numbers, 30 diacritics, punctuation.
AQA FONT STYLE 000 - 005
Write in the text box to test the fonts.
TRY AQA FONT 000 - 005
AQA FONT STYLE 000 - 005
Press the mouse button in the center of the screen and play with the options on the left.
TRY AQA FONT 000 - 005
Moodboard of books, images, concepts, and colors.
In the native cultures of the Andes
Amaru is considered a symbol of destruction and also of protection. It is often represented as two intertwined serpents called Yacumana and Sachamana. The bicephalous serpent represents a duality of creator/destructor, being a celestial creature that has the ability to travel through the different levels of the cosmos (upper world, world here, underworld), transmuting according to its correspondences to each of them, becoming a link between these worlds.
Yacumana, one of the mythical serpents in the upper world, is the one that originates rains, thunder, hail, ice, and other atmospheric phenomena, and is associated with "quwa," a small "luminous feline" bearer of lightning and hail that causes them, representing the constellation known as "Scorpio" that announces summer. In the world here, it becomes the river that creeps over the earth, and in the inner world (underworld), it takes the form of a serpent.

Sachamana emerges from the interior in the form of a bicephalous serpent which, in the world here, takes the form of a tree, with its upper head feeding on flying beings and its lower head attracting animals from the surface of the earth. In the upper world, it transforms into the rainbow that fertilizes nature.
In the cultures native to Mesoamerica
The serpent was one of the animals with the greatest presence in the mythical and historical imagination of Mesoamerican societies. It was considered the being that led humans through different sites of the cosmos and as the organizer of time and the calendar. The Maya and the Mexica conceived the sacred serpent as the multiple being that enveloped the world and gave order and coherence to everything that existed within it. This being was the prime introducer of order into the world of mortals and the victorious annihilator of the chaos that existed before the creation of the things enjoyed by humans on Earth.
López Austin, Alfredo. 7. El tiempo-espacio divino. La triple división del cosmos. Arqueología Mexicana, edición especial, núm. 69, pp. 33-34. Artículo disponible en línea:,Los%20tres%20niveles%20del%20cosmos%3A%20el%20cielo%2C%20dividido%20en%20nueve,)%2C%20con%20sus%20nueve%20pisosa.

Milla E., Zadir. (1990). Introducción a la Semiótica del Diseño Precolombino Andino. (1ra. ed.). Lima: Asociación de Investigación y Comunicación Cultural Amaru Wayra.

Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo (1978). El chamán y el jaguar. Estudio de las drogas narcóticas entre los indios de Colombia. Siglo XXI, México.

Tatzo, Alberto y Rodríguez, German. 1998. Visión cósmica de los Andes. Abya Yala. Quito. Pág.72.

In the cultures inhabiting the Amazon
The anaconda is a shamanic animal. Shamans refer to the Amazon River as the terrestrial anaconda and to the Milky Way as the supernatural and creative anaconda. It is a dual animal, representing the masculine and feminine components as an opposite metaphor for day and night or the Sun and the Moon, one of the most important mythological aspects of Amazonian peoples. The relationship of this animal with water and the Milky Way is fundamental, as this galaxy forms the Amazon River itself as it descends from the sky.
Alexandre Guida Navarro (2021). La anaconda como serpiente-canoa: mito y chamanismo en la Amazonía Oriental, Brasil. Boletín de Antropología, vol. 36, núm. 61, pp. 164-186, 2021. Artículo disponible al 15 de julio de 2023 en:,mito%20conocido%20como%20serpiente%2Dcanoa.

Roe, Peter (1982). The Cosmic Zygote: Cosmology in the Amazon Basin. Rutgers U, NJ, New Brunswick.

Castaño-Uribe, Carlos (2019). Chiribiquete. La maloka cósmica de los hombres jaguar. Villegas Ediciones, Bogotá.
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