October 31, 2023

Un lenguaje visual resurgente: Exploración de nuevas metodologías en el diseño de tipografías modulares y patrones, a través del juego morfológico con los signos visuales de las culturas ancestrales de Latinoamérica

October 31, 2023

El 11 de noviembre estaré compartiendo 3 archivos visuales del proyecto de investigación “Crónicas Visuales del Abya Yala” que fueron seleccionados en la Bienal Tipos Latinos, en Santiago, Chile.

April 26, 2023

TINKUY MEETING IN DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGNUPDATE 2023 Tinkuy. Meeting in diversity, is a visual record that is part of the research project “Visual Chronicles of Abya Yala”, which connects the designer with […]

October 20, 2022

TINKUY. MEETING IN DIVERSITY LECTURE A journey through some archaeological pieces and cosmovision of the native cultures that inhabited the Andes that show that many fundamentals of design were involved at the time of manufacturing […]

A typographic specimen dedicated to Nunkui, the powerful spirit of the land. In this talk, we will travel through the living territories of the Ecuadorian Amazonian forest. We will observe the worldview and ceremonies of the Shuar nationality, their coexistence of respect and reciprocity with nature, and acts that reaffirm the connection of the inhabitants of the forest (visible or invisible) with the land, and their struggle to defend the future of humanity.

August 16, 2020

A typographic-dingbat journey through the little-know stories of the original cultures that inhabited the Andes. Vanessa Zúñiga develops her design from the semiotic and morphological analysis of the archaeological pieces’ visual signs. Then she translates them into a contemporary graphic universe, where geometry plays a very important role.

CHARLA: ABYA YALA. CRÓNICAS VISUALES PORTOVIEJO, MANABÍ, ECUADOR A journey through different accounts of the worldview of our ancestral cultures told through typographic experiments, where it will be shown that the visual signs found in […]

November 2, 2019

CHARLA: MODULARITY CALI, COLOMBIA Ability of a system to be understood as the union of several elements that are united to each other and that are solidary, that is to say, each one fulfills a […]

July 11, 2019

CHARLA: EL ORIGEN GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR Código Valdivia corresponde al Registro Nro.86 del proyecto de investigación “Crónicas Visuales del Abya Yala” que la diseñadora Vanessa Zúñiga realiza desde hace 15 años. El 11 de julio estaré […]

November 30, 2018

Charla en el Congreso Córdoba Ciudad Diseño realizado en Córdoba, Argentina. 2018. https://amuki.com.ec/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vanessazuniga_opt.mp4 https://amuki.com.ec/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/video_vanessazuniga_adec.mp4

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