July 7, 2019

Código Valdivia corresponde a la primera fase del Registro Abya Yala Nro.86, es un juego morfológico de tipografía verbal y no verbal que parte del análisis de la piedra denominada Cosmograma perteneciente a la cultura […]

June 6, 2019

Nature dingbat is composed of six fonts, Leaves & Flowers, Monstera, Animals, Sea, People and Letters . Nature are illustrations in .otf format that were added to the Brownstone Slab font of Sudtipos with the […]

Interview for @computerartsmag in the segment Project diary: A new regular Fixture in motion, that came out in January of this year (2019), where I share pages with @sudtipos talking a little about the process that I did for the animations of Fixture Typeface that were the promos that come out before Fixture was published last year.


We are very happy to announce that the Kinetic Specimen we have animated to present the Fixture family has received a Certificate of Excellence from the Type Directors Club of New York. Alejandro Paul and Vanessa Zúñiga were part of the team of designers. Sudtipos received the certificate of excellence for this project.

January 26, 2019

Sara es una fuente que nace del análisis de los signos visuales de un aríbalo (periodo incaico), específicamente del signo que representa al maíz.

November 23, 2018

#AmazonianWomen #MujeresAmazonicas YASUNÍ: DIGITAL PROTEST KIT Digital Protest Kit dedicated to the Amazonian Women who are fighting to defend the Ecuadorian jungle against the expansion of the oil zone in intangible zones inhabited by uncontacted […]

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