July 11, 2024

Focusing on design, language, and all facets of communication, Inscript provides a space for the leading contemporary talent to let you in behind-the-scenes into their process-making and what’s motivating them today.

October 31, 2023

Un lenguaje visual resurgente: Exploración de nuevas metodologías en el diseño de tipografías modulares y patrones, a través del juego morfológico con los signos visuales de las culturas ancestrales de Latinoamérica

October 31, 2023

El 11 de noviembre estaré compartiendo 3 archivos visuales del proyecto de investigación “Crónicas Visuales del Abya Yala” que fueron seleccionados en la Bienal Tipos Latinos, en Santiago, Chile.

July 26, 2023

TOOLS DESIGNED TO ENHANCE THE VISUAL CHRONICLES OF ABYA YALA RESEARCH PROJECT. ARCHIVO VISUAL NRO.173 La idea fundamental al diseñar herramientas utilizando p5.js es potenciar los resultados del proyecto de investigación, “Crónicas visuales de Abya […]

July 24, 2023

TOOLS DESIGNED TO ENHANCE THE VISUAL CHRONICLES OF ABYA YALA RESEARCH PROJECT. ARCHIVO VISUAL NRO.172 La idea fundamental al diseñar herramientas utilizando p5.js es potenciar los resultados del proyecto de investigación, “Crónicas visuales de Abya […]

TOOLS DESIGNED TO ENHANCE THE VISUAL CHRONICLES OF ABYA YALA RESEARCH PROJECT. ARCHIVO VISUAL NRO.170 La idea fundamental al diseñar herramientas utilizando p5.js es potenciar los resultados del proyecto de investigación, “Crónicas visuales de Abya […]

May 22, 2023

With the help of artificial intelligence, a single photograph can be transformed into a photoshoot that simulates a range of costumes and scenarios. This activity enables me to delve into my imagination, and freely exploring.

April 26, 2023

TINKUY MEETING IN DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGNUPDATE 2023 Tinkuy. Meeting in diversity, is a visual record that is part of the research project “Visual Chronicles of Abya Yala”, which connects the designer with […]

March 16, 2023

LA TINA VANESSA ZÚÑIGA TINIZARAY MARZO 2023 By Pupila.co1 Publicación. 296 páginas. 175 Diseñadoras Gráficas de Latinoamérica. 13 Entrevistas. Primera edición del libro “La Tina” publicado por Pupila.co, donde muestra el trabajo de 175 diseñadoras […]

October 20, 2022

TINKUY. MEETING IN DIVERSITY LECTURE A journey through some archaeological pieces and cosmovision of the native cultures that inhabited the Andes that show that many fundamentals of design were involved at the time of manufacturing […]

A typographic specimen dedicated to Nunkui, the powerful spirit of the land. In this talk, we will travel through the living territories of the Ecuadorian Amazonian forest. We will observe the worldview and ceremonies of the Shuar nationality, their coexistence of respect and reciprocity with nature, and acts that reaffirm the connection of the inhabitants of the forest (visible or invisible) with the land, and their struggle to defend the future of humanity.

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